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When trying to cut through plastic pipe PVC, CPVC, etc. with ratchet cutters, sometimes the pipe is hard to cut through and may be a little brittle, therefore, causing it to crack.
So, just as the blade starts to bite into the pipe, I take a little primer/cleaner and touch the top of the blade with the dauber so that it runs down over the blade and flows onto the pipe (you only need a little bit of primer). This instantly softens the pipe just enough to make the blade cut through the pipe like a hot knife through butter!
This is especially helpful when you are using one-handed 2-inch PVC cutters on 1-1/4-inch through 2-inch pipe or when you are working with old and brittle CPVC pipe. This trick makes cutting through all plastic pipe (old or new) so much easier that you will never want to cut through plastic pipe without the use of cleaner again, And best of all, no more worrying about the brittle pipe cracking!
Kenny Waite
Plumbing Technologies Teacher
D.W. Waters Career Center
Tampa, Florida
General Pipe Cleaners and PHC News have teamed up on a monthly Tool Tip contest. PHC News will pick one prizewinner in each issue. And each winner will receive a Kinetic Water Ram, including 4-inch rubber cone, five rubber plugs and a carrying case all with a retail value of $325.