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Radiant cooling is a great way to deal with sensible cooling loads in high-performance building design. However, one of the biggest radiant cooling projects in the history of the United States had an entirely different purpose.
We may soon hear a great deal more about geothermal heating and cooling systems than ever before. For the people working in this part of our business, the ups and downs of the last decade can only be described as a roller coaster ride.
The plan describes the society's core values, mission and vision for future success, while also identifying areas where ASHRAE will direct its attention and resources over the next several years.
Sustainable energy, building performance and refrigeration technologies were just some of the topics of great interest as HVACR professionals from around the world exchanged knowledge at this year's conference.
While achieving net zero for one building is somewhat practical, the developer of Whisper Valley in Austin, Texas, decided that the entire 2,000-acre community with some 7,200 homes would be net-zero ready.
Advanced Energy Design Guide for Small to Medium Office Buildings: Achieving Zero Energy, provides direction for designing and constructing zero energy office buildings in all climate zones.