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Janesville, Wis. – Area contractors recently donated their time, talent and many materials to renovate the men's bathroom at the House of Mercy, 320 Lincoln St., Janesville. Crews from DeGarmo Plumbing, Magill Construction, H&H Electric, Carpetland USA Rockford, Unlimited Decorating, Grommes Millwork, Butters Fetting and Ferguson Enterprises began removing fixtures and finishes for a complete facelift of the 2nd floor men’s room.
The renovation includes new tile, plumbing fixtures, countertops, toilet partition, accessories and paint. It does not appear that this bathroom has been renovated since the building was originally constructed in the 1950s and used as a convent for the nuns of St Patrick’s Catholic Church. "I reached out to everyone and asked if they would be willing to participate in a renovation of the men’s bathroom at the House of Mercy as a contribution.
I had all positive responses within an hour. These are all great companies to work with, and I greatly appreciate them donating their time and materials to benefit the homeless in our community," DeGarmo said. These same contractors were involved in renovations that DeGarmo initiated to the kitchen in 2006 and the women's bathroom in 2010; as well as the staff offices and day room in 2013, which was spearheded by Magill Construction. The House of Mercy is a 25-bed homeless center in Janesville that offers homeless families short-term emergency shelter and access to housing, job placement, and child care resources.
Staff at the Center assist the homeless in assessing their needs, obtaining appropriate referrals and services, and designing an action plan aimed at achieving more stable housing.